Thursday 3 May 2018


A memory from Greece: What do you drink on a well shaded Greek terrace when it's scorching hot?   FRAPPÉ ! Cold coffee Greek style. 
  • a scoop of instant Coffee, more if you like it strong
  • sugar, non fat milk if you like sweet and/or white coffee
  • (crushed)ijs
  • hand held blender
  • narrow high bowl or jug
Put the instant coffee, sugar or sweetener - more than you drink in hot coffee - in the  bowl and add water and some milk(optional) till the bowl is filled up for about a third.
Mix with the hand blender till it is thick aan fluffy.
Pour the Frappé over crushed ice in a nice glass. Serve with a straw.

  1. add a bit of vanilla.
  2. serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
  3. add a dash of kahlua(coffee liqueur) over the crushed ijs before you add the Frappé
  4. whipped cream
  5. a combination of any of the above



A refreshing but "firm" drink that you will see the people in Venice enjoy in the late afternoon sun. One of my holiday souvenirs
  • 1 part italian bitter like Campari, Cynar, Select or Aperol
  • 2 parts dry white wine
  • a firm squirt of sparkly mineral water
  • a slice of lemon or orange
  • ice cubes
Mix the wine with the "bitter" in the glass and top with the mineral water. Spritz with Campari or Cynar has a more bitter taste and they are served with a slice of lemon. Spritz made with Aperol(a low alcohol bitter) or Select is somewhat sweeter and served with orange. Take care that the wine and the water are chilled well....
Instead of wine and water you can  choose  to use prosecco instead.

Monin makes  a "bitter" syrup that has no alcohol. Use this if you want to make a lighter version. For a virgin Spritz  replace wine wine a non alcoholic white.

Cin Cin

Tomato Quiche

This delicious tomato-quiche is a nice snack with a beer, a great lunch dish and with a salad it even makes a nice main dish

  • ready rolled puff pastry
  • Roma tomatoes
  • (Dijon)mustard
  • grated cheese, f.e Gruyère
  • grease proof paper
  • fresh milled pepper

Line a baking tray with grease proof paper and pre heat the oven at 180°C/365°F.
Put your puff pastry on the sheet and make some holes with a fork, not round the edges. Use a brush to cover with a thin layer of mustard. 
Sprinkle on a layer of cheese.
Cut the tomatoes in abt a third of an inch thick slices. The amount of tomatoes needed depends on how large your quiche is going to be. Lay them on your quiche close together but not overlapping.
Mill on some fresh pepper, sprinkle a tiny bit of sea salt, maybe some fresh thyme leaves and some more grated cheese.
Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes.


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